Edit Team Name & Photo

You must be logged in as a Gym Manager to makes these edits. (contact [email protected]) if you need permissions for your gym.

Step 1: Go to your Club Management page.

Step 2: Find the Teams button on the side.

Step 3: On the Team list, click the team name you want to edit.

Step 4: Find the Team and click the EDIT ICON button.

Step 5: From here you can edit your team name and add your team photo. Below your photo you can enter the names of the athletes.

To upload photo follow onscreen directions. Click Choose File and find a file on your computer. Once file is selected, click TEAM PICTURE UPLOAD.

Step 6: Don’t forget to scroll up and click SAVE TEAM UPDATES.
If your photo doesn’t show up on this page click CONTROL + SHIFT + R to refresh the browsers cache.