New Coaches must be invited to register by the Club Manager.
Step 1: Step 1: After you log in, go to CLUB MANAGEMENT (red button).
Step 2: Click the COACHES button.
Step 3: Enter the email address of the new coach in the box labeled “If coach is not listed, delegate here:”
**If the coach already has a ScoreFlippers account, they will show up in the list.
***If the coach does not have a ScoreFlippers account, you will get a new box that asks you to enter their name and email address.
Step 4: Your coach will now be invited to register, when they complete the process and get approved you will be able to make them a coach in your club.
Step 5: Find the box called “Team Coach Assignment,” find the coach in the drop down and ASSIGN COACH TO A TEAM.
Step 1: After your Club Manager invites you to be a coach, you will receive an email instructing you to register.
You will then be able to follow the directions on how to RENEW / PURCHASE A COACH MEMBERSHIP