Add / Activate Teams & Athletes

Step 1: Go to INSIGHT home page – pick your association

Step 2: Login (as coach or gym manager)

Step 3: From your dashboard click CLUB MANAGEMENT

Step 4: From the menu buttons on the left, click TEAMS
Step 5: Enter team name in the Add A New Team box, click ADD NEW TEAM
ACTIVATE team if it is already listed

**Note: When team is added, will show PENDING CHECKOUT until paid for

Step 6: Add more teams if applicable, when all teams are added move on to Step 6
Step 7: Find ATHLETES on the left hand menu buttons, you can ACTIVATE athletes from last year or REGISTER NEW ATHLETES. (see next)
*NOTE: When you activate an athlete, complete the pop up. Verify name & birthday, enter shirt size & gym. Agree to terms by clicking in the box and hit RENEW ATHLETE.

**Note: When ATHLETE is added, will show PENDING CHECKOUT until paid for
Step 8: Click Register a New Athlete, type name and click search. You may find an athlete that has a match (from another team or league possibly), if this is the correct athlete click the radio button next to athlete name; if not click No Athlete Match.
Step 9: When all athletes and teams are added scroll back to the top of page & click CART & INVOICES

STEP 8: Convert items in cart to invoices -Click CHECKOUT – CONVERT TO INVOICE

Step 8: Click PAY INVOICE and follow directions for payment

Now you can add athletes to a team…

Step 9: Go back to your DASHBOARD and click the COACH TOOLS tab

Step 10: Select the team from the drop down that you want to add kids to first.

Step 11: On the right of your screen you will see a list of FREE AGENTS – click ASSIGN to the kids you want to add to this team – repeat these steps for all teams.