Register for A Class

Step 1: Go to ENGAGE homepage

Step 2: Login to your account / Create an Account

Step 3: Select your gym from dropdown

Step 5: Select the SESSION and the ATHLETE from dropdowns
Note: If your athlete isn’t registered yet, find CLICK HERE TO ADD AN ATHLETE
If you found your registered athlete, skip this step.
If you need to register Click + ADD ATHLETE
Fill in First / Last name and click CHECK FOR THIS ATHLETE – if athlete doesn’t exist in the system (will transfer over from INSIGHT) you will be prompted to fill out all necessary info
Step 6: Sort through the classes, click the + to see more info
Step 7: Pick ENROLL – PAY NOW to pay in full, pick ENROLL – PAY PLAN to set up a payment plan

Step 8: Ensure the pop up has the correct class info and click GO TO CHECKOUT (or ADD ANOTHER REGISTRATION to add more classes)

Step 9: Check emergency contacts are correct and waivers are agreed to, complete gym surveys when applicable, modify your payment method, & review your items – CLICK PROCESS CHECKOUT